Welcome back from us at PSAANS

Dear Members,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We hope you enjoyed a safe and restful summer and feel rejuvenated for the exciting year ahead. As we embark on this new school year together, we recognize the dedication and effort you’ve already put into preparing to meet the needs of students, staff, and families.

The year ahead is a tremendous opportunity for us all to collaborate and grow in service of students and school communities across Nova Scotia. At PSAANS, we are immensely proud of the leadership you demonstrate every day in promoting safe, inclusive, and effective learning environments. As a shared priority, the well-being and safety of all school community members remain at the forefront of our collective efforts. The proactive and responsive actions you take daily to foster healthy relationships—especially with parents and families as partners—are foundational to building safe school communities. Please remember, you are not alone in this work. We encourage you to reach out to us and your colleagues whenever you need support.

This year, provincial priorities and initiatives focused on system alignment and improvement will require our collective effort and mutual support. Rest assured, we are here to represent your voice and ensure that your interests are central to educational leadership in Nova Scotia.

As school leaders, you face immense challenges, from managing day-to-day operations to implementing new policies and adapting to changes in educational leadership standards. Our role at PSAANS is to ensure that you have the support, resources, and voice needed to succeed. We are here for you—please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or ideas as you navigate the complexities of this school year.

We would like to extend a special note of appreciation to new administrators or those of you stepping into new leadership roles with added responsibilities. Thank you for embracing this role at a time when schools face complex needs and challenges. We encourage you to prioritize fostering healthy relationships rooted in care, respect, and dignity—these are the foundations of a school culture where everyone feels safe and well.

In the coming days, registration will open for our October conference at the Westin Nova Scotian. We strongly encourage you to join us for this opportunity to connect and continue your professional learning journey alongside colleagues and educational leaders from across the province and beyond. We look forward to seeing you there!

We wish you all the best for a successful and rewarding 2024-2025 school year. Together, let’s make this year one of well-being, growth, collaboration, and excellence in education.


Warm regards,

Dr. Scott Armstrong, Chair

Amy Hunt, Chair-Elect