Developing Successful Schools - Unleashing you personal power - An Instructional Leadership Institute - Application deadline May 10th, 2019
The amalgamation of decades of research from multiple sources clearly demonstrates that the educator is the single greatest influence on student achievement, and that what we do instructionally supersedes anything a child may come to school with. If we truly choose to own this well-proven and empowering fact, then we must also embrace the notion that educators are indeed infinitely powerful. What if we truly tapped into and released that force? What if we realized what we are truly capable of? In this session, participants will learn about the many benefits to fostering one’s belief in their individual capabilities, suggest possible sources to access and strategies to use to increase their self-efficacy, and receive tools to embed these concepts into their daily practice in order to fully unleash their personal power as well as the beliefs of those they lead.
Costs for the Institute are detailed in the registration brochure attached below. As a sponsoring organization the registration fee for PSAANS members is $300.00 (plus travel, resources, accommodations and meals as detailed in the brochure). There are 6 spaces available for PSAANS members and they will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Please complete your registration and submit it to...
Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union
Gérard Cormier
Executive Staff Officer for Professional Development
3106 Joseph Howe Drive
Halifax, NS
B3L 4L7
Phone: (902) 477-5621 -- Fax (902) 477-3517
If calling within NS (Toll Free)
This conference is supported by the following sponsors, including the Public School Administrators Association of Nova Scotia
New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
New Brunswick Teachers’ Association
Prince Edward Island Teachers’ Federation
Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union
Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association