Webinars and Recordings 2023-2024

Currently available in English Only - recordings have French subtitles available

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2024 Webinar Series (all sessions 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm)



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Wednesday, January 24  

Safeguarding Your School: Managing Abusive Behaviour from Visitors: Andy MacNeil

Wednesday, February 7

Strategies to Support 2SLGBTQ+ Students & Staff: Youth Project

Wednesday, February 21  

An Introduction to School Finances: Kathryn Burlton

Wednesday, March 6

Creating a Positive School Culture: Glenn Thompson

Thursday, March 21 More Time for Them - Leading with AI: Matthew Clarke and Adam Hinton
Thursday, March 28 The Basics of Artificial Intelligence: Jeff Raine
Thursday, April 4 Book Bureau Basics: Sandy MacDougall and David Bernard
Thursday, April 11 Building Better Sleep: Heather Beaton, Occupational Therapist
Thursday, April 18 Strategies to Cope with Stress: Heather Beaton, Occupational Therapist
Thursday, May 9 Welcoming Community Into Your School: Andrea Marsman
Thursday, May 16 Self-Regulation and Autism: Kym Hume
Thursday, May 23 Planning for Retirement in 10-15 Years: Dale Roode, Teachers Plus Credit Union
May Anti-Racism
  • TBA


Safeguarding Your School: Managing Abusive Behaviour From Visitors - CMS Andy MacNeil 

Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - available on YouTube

With Andy MacNeil, Coordinator of Member Services

This professional learning opportunity for school administrators encompasses a focused half-hour session dedicated to enhancing strategies for maintaining a safe school environment amidst challenges posed by irrational and abusive school visitors. School Administrators will delve into effective communication techniques, conflict resolution skills, and proactive measures to address and mitigate potential issues. The session emphasizes fostering a collaborative school culture that prioritizes the well-being of students and staff. Participants will gain insights into recognizing early warning signs, establishing clear boundaries, and implementing policies that promote a secure and supportive educational community. This targeted training equips school administrators with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics and uphold the safety and integrity of their schools.

Strategies to Support 2SLGBTQ+ Students & Staff 

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - available on YouTube

With Brody Weaver, Education Coordinator & Emma VanRooyen, School Health Promoter, Youth Project

In this workshop for school administrators, we will give a brief overview of the 2SLGBTQIA+ acronym. Following this, we will review resources and supports already in place for administrators to resist homophobia and transphobia at school, the importance of GSAs and their protections, the importance of curricular inclusion, and generalized case studies to guide administrators through responding to homophobia and transphobia when they inevitably show up. The Youth Project (https://youthproject.ns.ca/) is a non-profit organization that supports 2SLGBTQIA+ youth 25 and under across Nova Scotia within Mi'kma'ki. As a multiservice organization, we host an education team, programming team, and support services team to further the inclusion and wellness of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth through an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, trauma-informed framework that centers youth voice and community leadership.

An Introduction to School Finances

Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - available on YouTube

Hosted by PSAANS Manager of Financial Services, Kathryn Burlton, CPA. Register Here!

Many administrators have some degree of anxiety when it comes to School Finances. Financial management courses do not tend to be part of their learning, yet every school operates like a small (or not so small) independent business. While the importance of financial management cannot be overstated, all that is required is a good plan, good communication, and some basic numeracy skills. This webinar will offer a simple, straightforward approach to getting and keeping your school's finances under control. If you would like to send Kathryn any questions about school finance that you would like to see discussed during the presentation, please forward them to kburlton@psaans.ca (mailto:kburlton@psaans.ca) .

Creating a Positive School Culture

Wednesday, March 6th, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - available on YouTube

With Glenn Thompson, School Equity Consultant, CCRCE

Creating a positive school culture depends on creating conditions where all stakeholders feel invested in the vision of the school. This webinar will look at creating these conditions by exploring ways to hear teacher, community, and student voices to ensure that our leadership is responsive to the needs of everyone is our school community. The webinar will focus on concrete examples that administrators can start using today, to help build a collective vision for tomorrow.

More Time For Them: How Administrators Can Transform Leading and Learning Using AI

Thursday, March 21st, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM  - available on YouTube

With Matthew Clarke and Adam Hinton

Throughout the world, generative AI is transforming productivity, creativity, and how we approach and solve problems. In education digital tools using AI provide us with the capacity to personalize learning, increase engagement, and develop rich instruction and assessment materials tailor-made to our needs in a matter of seconds. However, these tools also have the potential to support administrators in enhancing decision-making processes, precision in responding to stakeholders, and simplifying routine tasks that were once time-consuming. This session will explore ways to leverage this technology in schools, discuss and promote its potential with teachers, and ways to begin using tools such as ChatGPT, Magic SchoolAI, and  Eduaide in service of instructional leadership and administrative needs. 

The Basics of Artificial Intelligence

Thursday, March 28th, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - available on YouTube

With Jeff Raine - Technology Integration Consultant, TCRCE

A short introduction to Artificial Intelligence as it currently exists in our world as well as the implications that it has on our current assessment and instructional practices in our classrooms.  What implications does this have at our various grade levels?  What implications does this have on different pedagogical methodologies?

Additional resources: Me, Myself & AI video series - DEECD NS

English Playlist

French Playlist

Nova Scotia School Book Bureau Basics

Thursday, April 4th, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - available on YouTube

With Sandy MacDougall and David Bernard

The Book Bureau has been around for a long time, but there are still questions about how things work.  We'll try to demystify some things, explain other things, and provide some generally useful information.  

Alexander (Sandy) MacDougall - is the Director of Learning Resources & Technology Services (LRTS) at the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.  Prior to that, he was an ICT Consultant at the Department, a technology mentor with the HRSB, and a teacher at the high school and junior high levels.

LRTS comprises:  Distributed Learning - NSVS and NSIOL / ICT Consultants / IEI-E and EdTech Life-Cycle programs / Homework Hub / Nova Scotia School Book Bureau / eLearning Support and Services / Digital Media Production

Administrators Need a Good Night Sleep Too!

Thursday, April 11 th, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - available on YouTube

With Heather Beaton, Occupational Therapist at Labyrinth Wellness

Do you ever have a hard time turning your mind off after a long day at work and have trouble falling asleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep so you toss and turn feeling tired? You are not alone. Join us to talk about some of the changes you can make to support you to have healthy sleep practices.

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

1) Understand the basics of Sleep and why it is important.

2) Identify 1-3 healthy sleep behaviours that you could change to improve your sleep.

3) Create an action plan on how to improve your sleep.

4) Know how to reach out for additional services and supports if required.

Stress Management 101

Thursday, April 18th, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - available on YouTube

With Heather Beaton, Occupational Therapist at Labyrinth Wellness

Does it seem like everyone around you is so stressed and needs you for something? Do you have a hard time managing all of the demands put on you in your role? Your role can be high demand which involves balancing a lot. Join us to learn and practice some stress-reducing strategies that can work for you. 

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

1) Understand the basics of the stress response and how it can impact you in a school environment.

2) Identify 1-3 stress-reducing strategies that could work for you.

3) Create an action plan on how to manage the stressors in your life. 

4) Know how to reach out to additional resources and support if required.

Welcoming Community into Your School

Thursday, May 9th, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - available on YouTube

With Andrea Marsman, Vice-Principal, Hammonds Plains Consolidated School, HRCE

 A conversation around creating a safe and inclusive school community where all stakeholders feel valued and supported. 

Establishing an Effective Social-Emotional Group for Females with ASD (and other females who exhibit anxiety and social skill challenges) - Register Here!

Thursday, May 16th, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

With Kym Hume

This session will describe the difficulties that females with ASD (and other females who are undiagnosed), experience with understanding and managing their intense emotions.  Camouflaging their autism and dealing with daily anxiety is a huge burden for these girls and subsequently, it often leads to negative behaviours and frequent school refusal.  We will then look at the components of a program called “Girl Strong”, which was developed specifically for these females. The different topics and strategies with be described and suggestions for implementation will be provided.  This program, created by the presenter has been running successfully in the Annapolis Valley and on the South Shore for many years. The success of “Girl Strong” has also led to an annual 3-day retreat at Acadia University for females with ASD and a parent, where we discuss autism and how it affects each person differently. 


Planning for Retirement in 10-15 Years - Register Here!

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

With Dale Roode

Dale will share some strategies and information to help set you in the right direction for retiring in the next 10-15 years.