Settlement Agreement - EECD/NSTU/PSAANS Return to the Classroom - May 1, 2020

The Association is very pleased to share with you today that we have reached an agreement with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Nova Scotia Teachers Union regarding “Return to the Classroom”. Since August 1st of 2018 return to the classroom has been a central concern for administrators in the province and for teachers who are contemplating an administrative position. This agreement preserves aggregated service both as a teacher and administrator for the purposes of applying for NSTU positions and seniority. The dual elements of seniority and service are critical components when a path back to classroom teaching is being contemplated (either on a permanent or temporary basis), and as security for those who are exploring new opportunities outside of NSTU positions. 

The Board of Directors fully endorses this tripartite agreement as it has an interest in the resolution of the issues raised in the NSTU Grievance and deems this settlement a fair and favorable expression of the principles in sections 16 and 22 of the Public School Administrators Employment Relations Act. This agreement is in effect while the Association is affiliated with the NSTU.