Webinars and Recordings 2024-2025

Currently available in English Only - recordings have French subtitles available

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Tuesday, January 28  

RESCHEDULED: ETUAPTMUMK- Two eyed seeing: Michelle Marshall-Johnson 

Thursday, January 30

Mindfulness and Trauma, an approach for skillfully navigating the challenges of life - Abbass & Kierstead 



ETUAPTMUMK- Two eyed seeing: Michelle Marshall-Johnson

RESCHEDULED: Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

The session explores how Etuaptmumk/Two Eyed Seeing – the gift of multiple perspectives in the Mi’kmaw language or braiding the strengths of Indigenous, and non-indigenous world views together. This may or can inspire, everyone to nurture, respectful, reciprocal, responsibilities relationships with the land & water, plant life, animals & other than human beings for the benefit of all.

Etuaptmumk is a guiding Principle in the words of Elder Albert Marshall Mi’kmaw Nation.

Mindfulness and Trauma, an approach for skillfully navigating the challenges of life - Blair Abbass & Jenny Kierstead

Thursday, January 30th, 2025 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Mindfulness and Trauma, an approach for skillfully navigating the challenges of life.

Five years ago, Jenny and Blair were planning the first Yoga in Schools Trauma and Mindfulness Conference for educators, when Jenny’s sister and educator, Lisa McCully lost her life in the mass casualty. It was the mindfulness teachings that they had curated which enabled them, as a family, to heal and move through this devastating experience. Since then, they’ve worked with thousands of educators and administrators to create trauma-sensitive environments and relationships.

Join Jenny and Blair in this one hour workshop that will provide trauma-sensitive language, breathwork, movement and mindfulness practices to support students and educators through traumatic events, during these uncertain times.

For more info on their programs, visit https://yogainschools.ca


Jenny is the founder of national award winning Yoga in Schools and Girl on Fire Empowerment. As a visionary in the yoga movement, she received the prestigious Women of Excellence Award and the RBC Women of Influence Award for her Yoga in Schools initiative. After teaching Physical Education in Vancouver for 8 years, she designed the Yoga Grade 11 course for the Nova Scotia Department of Education, the first ever PSP yoga program implemented in Canadian public schools.

To support this curriculum, Jenny then wrote the Yoga 11 Lesson Plan Supplement. Through Thompson Publications Inc, she designed yoga posters (with manuals) for both Elementary and Secondary levels, which are used by teachers around the world. With her husband, and co-founder, Blair Abbass, they designed the evidence-based Mindfulness in Schools Manual, which is changing the way teens and teachers relate to life. Jenny continued to write, authoring the Yoga for Autism Program, Yoga for Diverse Learners Program and the revolutionary Girl on Fire Empowerment Program, which is used in schools, communities and justice departments. 

Jenny is passionate about directing her grief, or as Valerie Kaur would call it, divine rage that is not meant to destroy, but to reorder the world.