DSS - Developing Successful Schools: Evidence-Driven Instructional Leadership, A Theory of Action

DSS - Developing Successful Schools - Evidence-Driven Instructional Leadership: A Theory of Action

July 9-11, 2024

Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick

To register: janet.peabody@nbta.ca 

Our Facilitator 

Justin Baeder, PhD is Director of The Principal Center, where he helps senior leaders in K-12 organizations build capacity for instructional leadership. A former principal in Seattle Public Schools, he is the creator of the Instructional Leadership Challenge, which has helped more than 10,000 school leaders in 50 countries around the world: 

• Confidently get into classrooms every day 

• Have feedback conversations that change teacher practice 

• Discover their best opportunities for school improvement 

Dr. Baeder is the author of Now We’re Talking! 21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership, and the co-author, with Heather Bell-Williams, of Mapping Professional Practice: How to Develop Instructional Frameworks to Support Teacher Growth (Solution Tree). 

He is the host of Principal Center Radio, a podcast featuring education thought leaders, and the founder of Repertoire, the professional writing app for instructional leaders. 

He holds a PhD in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies from the University of Washington and an MEd in Curriculum & Instruction from Seattle University, and is a graduate of the Danforth Program for Educational Leadership at UW. 


For members of the sponsoring organizations - registration fee is $400.00. All others, $500.00. (Preference will be given to members of the sponsoring organizations.) Visit www.nbta.ca for program information and registration. 

All Participants Must Pre-Register. Registration Deadline: 

Friday, May 10, 2024 

On-site check-in will take place on : Tuesday, July 11th (5:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.) in the foyer of Windsor Hall. Room keys and meal tickets will be available at that time. 
